Our Mission

Our mission is the mission of our Prophet (PBUH) and the mission of every prophet. “Worship one Allah & ponder about our life and hereafter, and live our life according to his Will.”

We try our best for the success of the world, but the person who understands that getting the pleasure of Allah is his real success shall be the real luckiest person, though he does not possess any of the worldly pleasures.

A man who is living a negligent life today, if he asks himself even one question “Why was I created” the answer to this question will be enough for him to transform his purpose of life.

In Surah Al-Baqarah, Allah Almighty says, “This is a book of guidance for pious & for those who fear Allah (SWT)”. From this verse, it is obvious that one can get guidance from the Qur’an, who has the fear of Allah in his heart. Though almost every Muslim reads the Qur’an, it does not have the same impact on everyone. Qur’an does not have any impact on those Who do not have fear of Allah in their heart.

In Surat Ar-Rahman, Allah Ta’ala says, “Everything on this earth is going to perish”. Then for what we are struggling so much? So, let’s try our best to get success not only in this world but in the world of the hereafter as well. We provide not only authentic Islamic knowledge but also will walk you through this journey for applying this knowledge and bringing it into our daily practice so that we can fulfill the rights towards our Lord Almighty Allah.

May Allah Ta’ala help us all to understand his religion correctly and grant us the ability to follow it – Ameen Ya Rabbal a’alameen

Our Faculty Team

Muallimah Nazneen Mohammad
Muallimah Rahmatunnisa
Muallimah Sameena Jabeen
Aalimah, Fazilah & Hafizah
Muallimah Hajira
Muallimah Saba Bilqees
Aalimah & Fazilah
Muallimah Raziya
Diploma in Islamic Studies
Muallimah Nafisa
B.A. Political Science Clerical Work
Clerical Work
Zubair Mohammad
Video Editor
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